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Terms and Conditions for Statera Watch Co.

At Statera Watch Co., we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors to our website and social media pages (the “Sites”), including These Terms and Conditions apply to anyone using our Sites, including visitors, fans, and partners. By accessing and using our Sites, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions periodically, especially for legal or regulatory reasons or to ensure optimal functioning of our Sites.

Intellectual Property

All copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in all text, images, and additional materials on the Sites are the property of Statera Watch Co. or are used with permission.
You may download, display, or print content from our Site solely for personal, non-commercial use, provided you retain and reproduce every copyright notice or other proprietary rights notice contained in any material you download. Any other use, including reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, or broadcast of the content of the Site, in whole or in part and by any means, is strictly prohibited, except with prior written consent from Statera Watch Co.
The reproduction and publication of media documents available on this Site under the “Press” section are authorized for editorial purposes, provided the source is clearly indicated as Statera Watch Co. However, this permission does not grant the right to modify any material.
Statera Watch Co. does not guarantee that your use of any content displayed on the Sites will not infringe the rights of third parties.
You warrant that you own the rights to any submission, including suggestions or ideas, or have obtained permission to share them. By making a submission, you agree that Statera Watch Co. may use your submission without compensation.


Ratings, Reviews, and Testimonials

Statera Watch Co. welcomes feedback about your experience with our products through our Sites. Product testimonials should be accurate and constructive. We reserve the right to edit testimonials for length, spelling, and clarity and to use your comments in emails and other marketing materials.



These Terms and Conditions shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Brazil, and any dispute shall be brought before the Courts of Brazil.
This Site is operated by Statera Watch Co. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at
Statera Watch Co. – 2024

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